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Models / Owen Thompson
Owen Thompson Vital Stats:
Age:  19
Fun Fact:  Always makes every girl he has sex with squirt

Owen is a very hot 19-year-old frat boy with a great body and even better face. He is an extremely polite and respectful young man who is no stranger to physical discipline.
Owen Thompson Updates

Owen in Baseball Gear Part 2
Owen Thompson
Owen's long spanking in baseball gear continues. In the first part of this video, Tom lectured Owen for having gone out the night before and wasted $350 on a VIP table with bottle service, and then drinking so much that he couldn't remember either the evening out or driving home under the influence....

Tags: Athletic Gear Baseball Uniform Bubble Butt College Student

Owen in Baseball Gear
Owen Thompson
Owen is back. He is one of our favorite and most popular straight boys, which is no surprise given his stunningly good looks. This video came about when Owen texted Tom early one morning to ask about doing a video (why Owen consistently texts at times Tom has asked him not to is an ongoing mystery)....

Tags: Athletic Gear Baseball Uniform Bubble Butt College Student

Owen's Butt Plug Spanking
Owen Thompson
This is a very different spanking for young Owen. More than just a hard spanking, this session includes a fairly large butt plug that makes Owen feel every whack very keenly. The video opens with a very nervous Owen shifting back and forth as he considers what's about to happen. He says he's tried...

Tags: Bent Over Bubble Butt College Student Frat Boy

Owen Suspended Part 2
Owen Thompson
This is the conclusion of Owen's suspension spanking. It was a long, hard spanking owing to the fact that, a few days before, Owen had drunk texted Tom at 4:30 in the morning for no good reason. Owen had explained this behavior by saying that he was drunk. That's no excuse as far as Tom is concerned...

Tags: Bondage Bubble Butt College Student Frat Boy

Owen Suspended
Owen Thompson
A few days before Owen came in for this video, he texted Tom at 4:30 in the morning because he wanted to see one of his videos. Tom was not happy, and he let Owen know it. It seems Owen was drunk and, in his drunken state, a text at that hour for that purpose somehow made sense. Today is the day he paid...

Tags: Bondage Bubble Butt Frat Boy Hung

Owen Back Over the Knee
Owen Thompson
This is the conclusion of the hardest spanking Owen has ever received. It started with his wedgie spanking (video title: "Owen's Wedgie Spanking"). Owen had already endured a very harsh spanking by the end of that video, but, unbeknownst to him, his spanking was far from done. This video opens with...

Tags: Bubble Butt College Student Frat Boy Hung

Owen and Parker Together
Owen Thompson , Parker Jones
We are very happy to bring you two of our most popular, hottest models, Owen and Parker (ages 20 and 19), together for the first time. They met just 20 minutes before this spanking began, and both of them are more than a bit nervous and embarrassed regarding what's about to happen. Both of them have,...

Tags: Bent Over Bubble Butt College Student Frat Boy

Owen's Wedgie Spanking
Owen Thompson
Owen, age 19, is back for his hardest spanking yet, and it has quite a twist. This is the first wedgie spanking video we've shot. We use an "ultra-wedgie machine," as Owen himself describes it. Tom attaches clips to the back of Owen's white briefs. The clips are attached to a rope that is attached...

Tags: Bubble Butt College Student Hung Muscular